
Besides one’s confidence, having a great set of teeth is the key to having an amazing smile. Undergoing orthodontic treatment is an effective way of resolving any issues you have with your teeth. Correcting the alignment of your teeth not only fixes it aesthetically but also improves the functionality of your entire mouth.

Orthodontic treatments usually take around 12-24 months, depending on the patient’s situation, which can discourage people from getting it because of the long duration. However, that shouldn’t discourage you, especially if the orthodontist urges you to do so. This kind of treatment definitely takes time and rushing the progress can lead to more harm than good.

That being said, how exactly can you tell that you’re due to have your teeth fixed? Here are five clear signs that it’s time to schedule orthodontic treatment for your teeth.

Here are the 5 Signs You Need Orthodontic Treatment

#1 – You Find it Difficult to Bite or Chew

Don’t you just hate it when you’re looking forward to eating your favorite pizza after a long day of work and you end up not finishing the slice because of how difficult it is to bite through it? We understand how frustrating that is, and it’s usually a sign of teeth misalignment. 

Misaligned teeth can exert more effort while chewing and biting your food, leading to indigestion. It can seem like a minor issue at the beginning. Overlooking this can make it much worse and more costly to get fixed.

If you find yourself in this situation, it’s best to consult an orthodontist immediately to resolve it.

#2 – Your Top and Bottom Teeth Are Misaligned When Closing Your Mouth

As mentioned previously, teeth misalignment is might not seem like a cause for concern initially, but if left untreated can result in serious issues. If your top teeth don’t evenly meet your bottom teeth, then it can affect the overall function of your jaw, speech, and even your posture. 

If you’re not sure that your teeth are misaligned, you can easily check by standing in front of a mirror and smiling. So you can see if your upper teeth overlap the bottom teeth or vice versa.

Whether you have an underbite, overbite, crossbite, or an open bite, it’s important to have it checked by an orthodontist. They can create a customized treatment that can bring your teeth to an improved alignment to improve your jaw’s functionality.

#3 – You Feel Shy About Your Smile

Do you ever feel conscious about your smile? While nobody’s teeth are going to be perfect, having presentable teeth is still what many aim for. If you have crooked, misaligned, or gapped teeth then that’s a reason valid enough to have checked by an orthodontist!

There’s no shame in having imperfect teeth, but there’s also no shame in wanting to get them fixed! Improving your smile results in having more self-confidence, and you’re gonna feel excited rather than ashamed when you get your photo.

Having a consultation with an orthodontist is going to help you know more about the current situation your teeth have. You will be able to voice your concerns and ultimately find a solution on how to properly fix those issues.

#4 – You Breathe Through Your Mouth

Mouth-breathing is a clear sign that you’re in need of orthodontic treatment. Breathing through your mouth has something to do with the width of your jaw, along with the openness of your air tract. If your jaw is noticeably narrow, the airways will be blocked making it difficult to breathe through your nose.

If left untreated, mouth-breathing can lead to sleep disorders including sleep apnea, which is life-threatening. Mouthbreathers also have a higher risk of having dental problems like malocclusion, and even facial differences. As you can see breathing through your mouth is concerning enough that if overlooked it can bring forth a series of other issues.

It’s time to consult an orthodontist immediately the moment you notice you’ve been breathing through your mouth quite often.

#5 – You Have Jaw Pain

Experiencing pain within your jaw area can be so annoying. When your teeth are not properly aligned, the muscles in your jaw can end up strained which leads to this unnecessary pain and even headaches.

The discomfort you feel in your jaw is enough to hinder you from participating normally in your daily activities. If left untreated, the pain can end up being worse than before.

If you feel a significant amount of pain in your jaw and experience recurring headaches, then this is a definite sign to schedule a consultation with your orthodontist so you can have the correct orthodontic treatment to fix it.

Signs You Need Orthodontic Treatment
Signs You Need Orthodontic Treatment

What are the Possible Solutions?

When it comes to recommending a specific orthodontic treatment, there really is no one-size-fits-all solution. This article cannot diagnose which treatment specifically is going to be the best one for you, which is why it’s best to consult an orthodontist. In order to get the most accurate diagnosis and be recommended the right method of treating the problem.

However, most of the common possible solutions for issues like the ones aforementioned are braces for those with misaligned teeth. There are several kinds of braces such as traditional, clear, ceramic, and invisible aligners.

Consult an Orthodontist

Experiencing any of the signs mentioned above? Then it’s definitely time for you to consult with an orthodontist to be able to resolve the problem. Orthodontists specialize in dental treatments that are geared more towards the alignment of one’s teeth and jaw.

Centralia Orthodontics has a lovely and professional team of orthodontists who are willing to guide you in every step of your dental journey. You can schedule a free consultation so you can pay a visit to our office and meet us and get to know more about the viable treatment choices.

Contact us today so we can work on scheduling your appointment!