
Learn About Invisalign & Braces Technology

Are you looking for more information on how you might be best able to fix your underbite? You might be curious, can Invisalign or braces fix my underbite? At Centralia Orthodontics, your trusted orthodontist in Centralia, WA, we strive to utilize both braces and Invisalign to address multiple areas of concern. Our experienced orthodontists specialize in underbite correction and offer personalized treatment options using braces and Invisalign.

What Are Braces?

Braces in Centralia are a simple form of orthodontic care consisting of brackets and wires. These brackets are mounted to teeth, and a wire will be strung through the brackets. This allows the orthodontist to push and pull teeth gradually into place via precise tightening, placement, rubber bands and more. Braces are a great option for many patients seeking to improve their orthodontic health and straighten their smile. This form of treatment is a tested and true method of straightening teeth. Contact Dr. Lasley to see if braces are the best option for you!

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is the clear aligner system that’s making a powerful difference in the lives of many. At Centralia Orthodontics, we often see great results using Invisalign treatment. Thanks to modern advancements in technology, Invisalign is comfortable, quick, effective, and affordable. If you are thinking of braces, Dr. Lasley can further explain the benefits of clear aligners during an initial consultation.


Q1: Can Invisalign fix an underbite?
A: Yes, Invisalign can be an effective treatment option for certain cases of underbite correction. However, it depends on the severity and specific characteristics of your underbite. During a consultation at Centralia Orthodontics, our experienced orthodontists will assess your condition and determine if Invisalign is suitable for your underbite correction.

Q2: Does Invisalign work for all types of underbites?
A: Invisalign can address mild to moderate cases of underbites. Severe underbites may require a different approach, such as a combination of braces and other orthodontic techniques. Our orthodontists will evaluate your underbite and recommend the most suitable treatment option for you.

Q3: Can braces fix an underbite?
A: Yes, braces can be an effective treatment for correcting an underbite. Braces apply gentle pressure to gradually move the teeth and jaws into their proper positions, which can help align the bite and correct an underbite. Our orthodontists at Centralia Orthodontics will assess your underbite and determine if braces are the most appropriate treatment for your specific case.

Q4: How long does it take to fix an underbite with Invisalign or braces?
A: The duration of treatment for underbite correction varies depending on the severity of the underbite and the specific treatment approach. In general, it may take several months to a few years to achieve the desired results. During your consultation at Centralia Orthodontics, our orthodontists will provide you with a personalized treatment plan and an estimated timeline based on your specific needs.

Which Treatment is Right for Me?

If you are looking for the answer to your question, “Can Invisalign braces fix my underbite?” The answer is either treatment most certainly can bring out the best in your smile. Making an appointment with Centralia Orthodontics in Centralia, WA is the best way to find out more about the status of your orthodontic health and allow you to see which treatment might suit you best. Learn more by calling us today at (360) 736-0129. We look forward to seeing you smile!

At Centralia Orthodontics, we offer both braces and Invisalign treatments to address various orthodontic concerns, including underbites. Whether you opt for the time-tested braces or the discreet Invisalign, our skilled orthodontists will guide you towards a straighter smile. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover the treatment option that is best suited for you. Get ready to smile with confidence!