
Invisalign treatment is a popular and effective way to straighten teeth, but knowing how to take care of and clean Invisalign trays properly is essential. These clear, custom-made aligners are an investment in oral health and appearance, and it’s necessary to ensure they are well-maintained to maximize their effectiveness and longevity. 

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how to take care of and clean your Invisalign trays, an orthodontist in Centralia, keeping them in good condition, and how to clean them to prevent discoloration or damage properly. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your Invisalign trays are working as they should and that your treatment stays on track.

1. How Often Should You Clean Invisalign Trays?

Every night, take the time to care for your Invisalign aligners properly. A good night time routine should include brushing, flossing, and cleaning the devices. It’s also important to clean them if they get stained.

Refrain from assuming that you are not required to routinely clean your aligners because they will need to be replaced within two weeks. On the contrary, regular cleansing is crucial and ought to be done regardless of the brief time you switch them out. This will result in unsightly, discolored aligners and an unpleasant odor due to bad breath. Furthermore, your teeth may be at risk of bacteria buildup due to not regularly cleaning the aligners.

2. How to Care For and Clean Clean Invisalign Trays Properly

Here are the best tips for taking care of and cleaning Invisalign trays the right way.

Brush and floss your teeth before putting the trays back in. 

It is important to brush and floss your teeth thoroughly before replacing the trays is important. This will help remove any food particles or plaque that may have accumulated between the teeth, which could cause discoloration of the trays and unpleasant bad breath. Therefore, it is essential to take these extra steps to ensure the trays remain clean and hygienic.

Rinse the trays with lukewarm water before wearing them again.

Before putting them back, it is important to rinse the trays with lukewarm water to remove any saliva or plaque that may have built up on their surface. This will help ensure a clean and sanitary environment for continued use. 

After rinsing the trays, it is also important to dry them thoroughly before putting them back in the mouth. This will help minimize the risk of bacteria or germs forming on the tray’s surface. It is also a good idea to store trays in a clean and dry environment when not in use; this will ensure their longevity and keep them free from dirt and grime that can build up over time.

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and mild soap or non-abrasive cleaner.

A soft-bristled toothbrush and either a mild soap or non-abrasive cleaner should be used to ensure that the trays are thoroughly cleaned daily. It is essential to clean them at least once every day to maintain their optimal condition and hygiene properly.

Soak the trays in a denture cleaner or retainer cleaner once a week.

Once a week, immerse the trays in a solution of denture or retainer cleaner to eliminate any persistent stains and plaque. This will help ensure your trays stay clean and free from discoloration and potential health risks associated with bacterial build-up.

After the trays have been thoroughly washed, rinse them in cold water to remove any residue and store them in a dry place until you are ready to use them again. 

Ensure that your trays do not come into contact with other items, such as toothbrushes or other dental appliances, when stored. If you notice any discoloration or foul odor from your trays, replace them immediately.

Store the trays in their case.

clean invisalign traysWhen not in use, storing the trays in their designated case is important to remain clean and free from any potential harm or damage. Keeping them in the case ensures that they are stored safely and securely when not used, protecting against dust, dirt, and other elements that could cause deterioration. 

It also helps to store the trays in a cool, dry environment away from direct sunlight or moisture. Doing so will help prevent fading of the colors and warping of the material. Additionally, it is essential to remember to clean and sanitize the trays between uses to maintain their quality and prevent germs or bacteria build-up.

Avoid eating or drinking anything that can stain the trays.

Avoid eating or drinking that can stain the trays, such as coffee, tea, red wine, and dark-colored fruits. This will keep the trays looking new and prevent staining that may be difficult to remove. Also, avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaners on the trays. If you want to clean your trays, use a damp cloth and mild soap.

Keep a spare set of trays.

Always have a backup set of trays ready in case the current ones need to be located or repaired. This ensures preparedness for unexpected issues and prevents disruption to daily routine or business operations.

3. Love Your Clean Invisalign Trays with Centralia Orthodontics!

At Centralia Orthodontics, we understand the importance of properly cleaning and maintaining your Invisalign trays to ensure that they work as they should and that your treatment stays on track. That’s why we provide our patients with detailed instructions on cleaning and caring for their trays. And regular check-ups to ensure that they are in good condition. By following our guidelines, you can ensure that your treatment is as efficient and effective as possible. 

If you have any questions or concerns about your Invisalign trays, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you achieve the beautiful, straight smile you deserve.