
Part of Invisalign treatment is making a commitment to yourself. Because this is a patient-centered treatment, more responsibility is on the patient. That means developing routine cleaning maintenance habits with Invisalign. A new task normally takes 21 days (three weeks) to become a habit.

The Importance of Cleaning Maintenance with Invisalign

Brushing and flossing should already an important part of your daily routine. Now that you’re undergoing Invisalign treatment, oral care is even more vital. Failure to perform cleaning maintenance on your Invisalign tray aligners can lead to increased tooth decay, bad breath, and ineffective treatment. Fortunately, it is not difficult to implement a cleaning regimen into your normal routine!

Because Invisalign trays are taken out for oral care, your brushing and flossing routine won’t change, although you may brush more often. You should always rinse your tray aligners before placing them in the storage case. Whenever you remove the aligners for eating or drinking, a quick rinse will remove saliva residue and reduce bacteria buildup.


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After eating, always try to brush your teeth before reinserting your trays. Lingering food residue can accelerate tooth decay while wearing tray aligners. If you can’t brush, try to rinse well with plain water. You should also lightly brush your trays under running water. This, in addition to earlier rinsing, makes sure that the trays are clean before you reinsert them over your teeth.

Lastly, Centralia Orthodontics recommends that trays be soaked at least every other day. There are several methods to accomplish this.

It Requires More than Brushing

In addition to brushing, Invisalign tray aligners should be deep-cleaned by soaking them for 10 to 30 minutes at least every other day. This can be done in the morning or evening and works quite well if you soak your trays while you are in the shower. There are several different ways to soak the trays safely. Water temperature should be lukewarm. Hot water may damage the trays.

Invisalign Cleaning Crystals: Crystals are individually packaged and you mix one packet with about a half cup of water. Recommended soaking time is 10 to 20 minutes.

Denture/retainer tablets: Drop one tablet into a half cup or more of water and let it dissolve. Soak your trays for 10 to 20 minutes. CAUTION — Some tablets contain coloring that may stain your trays.

Baking soda and water: Use one teaspoon of baking soda with about a half cup of water. Soak trays for 20 to 30 minutes in this solution.

Vinegar and water: Mix equal parts white vinegar and water and soak trays for 20 to 30 minutes.

After soaking your trays, rinse them thoroughly under running water and brush lightly with a soft-bristled brush. Although you can also use toothpaste on the trays, we recommend against it because many kinds of toothpaste contain abrasives that may damage the trays.

If You Still Have Questions Call Centralia

If you still have questions about cleaning maintenance with Invisalign, please contact the Centralia Orthodontics office at (360) 736-0129. Our knowledgeable staff can assist you. Patients can also ask questions using the chat widget on our website.

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