Can you drink with Invisalign

Can You Drink with Invisalign?

Although to answer the question, “Can you drink with Invisalign?” we should first consider what you are drinking. The quick answer is that the only thing you can drink while wearing Invisalign is plain water. However, the trays are removable. The longer answer is that you can drink anything during treatment as long as your […]

Invisalign or Braces? Which is Best for Me?

Invisalign or Braces? Which is Best for Me?

If you are considering orthodontic treatment, you have probably asked yourself the questions, “Invisalign or Braces? Which is Best for Me?” Although both treatment methods have advantages and disadvantages, making a decision on which is the best for you can be confusing. Invisalign or Braces? Exploring the Differences Of course, almost everyone knows that Invisalign […]


Invisalign Vs. Braces

There are good arguments for both in the Invisalign Vs. Braces battle. Are you grappling with the decision of whether to get traditional braces or Invisalign? Looking at the advantages and disadvantages of both might help. Talking with an orthodontist and discussing your options is the first step. You can take that step today by […]